Welcome to Denver Mom Collective

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Welcome to Denver Mom Collective!

Denver Mom Collective’s purpose is to bring Denver moms together in community, connect you to local resources, and provide support as you walk your motherhood journey.

Whether this is your first baby or your fifth baby, you’re deep in the chaos of elementary school, battling the teen years or having mixed feelings about your empty nest, we’ll be here. We’re here to support you on the days when there isn’t enough coffee in your mug. And we’ll always let you know you’re not alone, no matter what you’re feeling.

Our team of writers provide daily content that is relevant, encouraging and genuine. Our resource guides connect you to the best of Denver and allow you to explore with ease, developing pride in the place you call home.

If you’re interested in getting involved, we’d love you to submit a guest post or apply to be part of our contributor team.

Like us on Facebook, and follow us on InstagramEven better, subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss a thing!

We’re so thankful you are here.

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Sarah McGinnity
Sarah is owner of Denver Mom Collective and is passionate about encouraging and connecting moms - we weren't meant to do this alone! She graduated from Kansas State (Go Cats!) in journalism, worked for newspapers and for several marketing departments, and eventually got her master's in urban administration. Sarah and her husband Shea have four kids - Henry (11), Clark (8), Lucy (7) and Caroline (the dessert baby). She enjoys reading historical fiction, beating her kids at board games and traveling as much as possible.


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