Leaf Peeping in Colorado with Kids


Cool fronts are moving through and fall is in the air. One of best parts of living near the mountains in the fall is being surrounded by the beauty of changing leaf colors. While the changing colors eventually reach the city, a favorite fall activity is to get into the mountains to see the changing aspens.

Driving around just to peep the fall colors might satisfy us adults, but with kids? Let’s be real — you might find yourself surrounded by a chorus of “are we there yet?” or “I’m bored!” more than delight. Here are a few tips to enjoy leaf peeping as a whole family.

Tips for Leaf Peeping in Colorado with Kids

Get Out of the Car

If all you do is drive, let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to wow your littles. Hiking is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, keep them occupied with constant activity and surround yourself with the beauty of changing leaves.

Golden Gate Canyon State Park is a great spot not far from Denver to see swaths of changing aspens mixed in the pines for miles and miles, as well as providing many hike options. Which hike is right for each family varies greatly so be sure to check conditions and difficulty before you go, but Raccoon Trail (a loop from Panorama Point and back, or from Reverend Ridge campground to Panorama Point and back) is bursting with colors if your timing is right. There are also a variety of trails nearby such as Mule Deer and Horseshoe Trails.

Kenosha Pass is about an hour to hour and a half drive from Denver, depending on your starting point, but is one of the most popular spots to see the golden aspens. A very family friendly area with multiple trails to choose from and vast views, getting out of the car to enjoy the hiking and possibly a picnic will reward the kiddos for their time in the car. (Bear in mind it is at 10,000 feet so stay hydrated!) The Colorado Trail is a very long trail some people endeavor to hike in its entirety, but there are many segments families can choose to easily hike without worrying about the whole thing! There is an East Side Trail and West Side Trail on either side of US 285 with parking on both sides. Take your pick and enjoy hiking as long as your family is able and having fun!

Mom Tip: This is one of the most popular spots for leaf peeping so when colors are at their peak, parking can fill quickly. Either arrive early or be willing to do the east or west side, wherever you find a spot! Or, park on one side and cross the road and walk to the trailhead on your desired side (if you have one).

Guanella Pass is another favorite drive for peeping the changing aspens, but again, your children probably don’t want to drive indefinitely. Many people enjoy packing a picnic, driving the pass and peeping leaves until they decide to stop, picnic and run around, then head back home. The beautiful part about this plan is tailoring it exactly to your family and not trying to make it to some predetermined endpoint. Whatever you do and however far you go is a success!

Take a Train

Georgetown is a quaint mountain town along I-70 only an hour from Denver. Not only can you admire beautiful fall colors simply visiting Georgetown, but a fun family way to do so is a trip on the Georgetown Loop Railroad. A historic train will take you into the colors without the hiking and crosses rivers over historic bridges. Weekends in September and October have various themes like fall colors, pumpkins and trick or treating. Check out their website for themes and tickets to plan your outing. You can buy tickets departing Georgetown or Silver Plume. It is open daily 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Make it a Fall Colors Getaway

If you would like to see the changing fall colors, but you don’t want to cram a drive or a hike into a weekend day, or you don’t want to risk kids’ moods ruining the one outing you tried, consider taking a weekend getaway into the mountains. Keep an eye out for good deals on VRBOs or hotels and then take a trip to unwind and fully immerse yourself in fall. Vail and Breckenridge provide many family activities and trails as well as gorgeous mountain views everywhere you go.

Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park provide beautiful views and colors in Northern Colorado as well. Whether you want the relaxation of just escaping for the weekend and finding a gorgeous spot to just sit, or you want to get out and hike, Estes Park and the national park provide both options.

Embrace the Unpredictability

Fall colors are beautiful and refreshing and leaf peeping is something many look forward to every year. Keep in mind, though, nature is not completely predictable and the leaves don’t follow an exact schedule. It can be a bit of a bummer to take a trip expecting full blown color only to see the leaves are late this year (or came early and are now gone). Try to enjoy whatever beauty nature hands you on your hike or drive because with or without fall colors, the mountains are always gorgeous! But to try to have as much success as possible, follow the local news outlets whose weather updates try their best to let you know where leaves are currently turning and when their peaks are expected.

In general, more northern regions and higher elevations turn sooner and as you move lower and further south, the changing colors come later. Northern Colorado and high elevations could start turning as soon as mid-September, but mountain towns have also been known to have gorgeous fall colors into mid-October! Do your best to stay informed, but don’t let the unknown stop you. Pick a fall weekend and try your luck – you won’t regret it!


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Megan Jones
Megan has lived many places, but currently lives in Parker, CO. Megan and her husband, Cannon, met at Baylor University (sic ‘em Bears!) and have been married for 17 years. They were given the opportunity to transfer to the Denver area two years ago and couldn’t resist! Megan loves nature, especially mountains, and the gorgeous Colorado weather that allows her so many chances to get out hiking or just playing with her 3 kids. She has a 12-year-old about-to-be-junior-high daughter, a gymnastics-loving 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son who keeps everyone on their toes! Nothing compares to his zest for life! Megan decided to be a stay-at-home mom when her first daughter was born, so she knows that making it this far on her journey is only thanks to a village, whether in-person or long-distance, and has a passion for connecting with other moms and encouraging them on their motherhood journeys as well.


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