Megan Jones

Megan Jones
Megan has lived many places, but currently lives in Parker, CO. Megan and her husband, Cannon, met at Baylor University (sic ‘em Bears!) and have been married for 17 years. They were given the opportunity to transfer to the Denver area two years ago and couldn’t resist! Megan loves nature, especially mountains, and the gorgeous Colorado weather that allows her so many chances to get out hiking or just playing with her 3 kids. She has a 12-year-old about-to-be-junior-high daughter, a gymnastics-loving 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son who keeps everyone on their toes! Nothing compares to his zest for life! Megan decided to be a stay-at-home mom when her first daughter was born, so she knows that making it this far on her journey is only thanks to a village, whether in-person or long-distance, and has a passion for connecting with other moms and encouraging them on their motherhood journeys as well.

School Choice: Helping You Understand the Options

An older, wiser person once told me they thought the world was a happier place when the only options at the ice cream shop were vanilla and chocolate. Back then, it didn’t take long...

A Guide to the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum

This summer, Paris will be hosting the Summer 2024 Olympic Games. As a child, I would get excited every time it was an Olympic year, and I still remember my family gathering around the...

When Your Child Doesn’t Win the Medal

“Winning isn’t everything.” “Just do your best and have fun.” It’s easy for us adults to spout off these cliches to our children when they compete in an event, but when push comes to shove, and...

Making Fall Fun on the Cheap

Whether you’re the kind of person who decorates for Fall on September 1, or you need to wait until the leaves are changing and temps are falling, by all definitions, Fall has arrived. Costumes...

Confessions of a Sports Mom: Tips to Surviving Weeknights This Fall

Can you believe it?! Summer is already over. Indeed, schools in the Denver area are heading back to the classrooms over the next couple of weeks. I’m not sure how, but it goes by...

Southeast Denver Parks that Appeal to All Ages

Summer. All the kids home, all the time. Everyone wanting to be entertained every day but disagreeing on how, especially if you have children that span a wide range of ages. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?! Yeah, not...

I See You, Mama

“Man, it must be really tiring to be a mom.” My daughter wasn’t wrong.  She observed me taking my 100th trip up the stairs to her little brother’s room and back down again to put...