7 Tips for Moms: Where to Go for Care When Your Family Needs It


This post is sponsored by HCA HealthONE.

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to turn when someone in your family is sick or hurt.
Whether it’s a fever, a broken bone, or something more serious, knowing your options can help you act quickly and confidently. Here’s your mom friendly guide for deciding between a freestanding emergency room, a hospital ER or an urgent care clinic.

Tip 1: Know what a freestanding emergency room is

  • What is it? A freestanding emergency room is an ER located away from a hospital but
    connected to one. You can spot one by its name—look for mentions of a hospital or
    health system.
  • Who do they treat? They treat kids and adults and are staffed by board-certified
    emergency room physicians and nurses who are experienced in treating emergencies.
  • Why choose it? It’s open 24/7, staffed by board-certified doctors and nurses, and
    equipped to handle serious emergencies like a hospital ER. HCA HealthONE has five free-
    standing ERs across the Denver region – HCA HealthONE Belmar ER, HCA HealthONE
    Central Park ER, HCA HealthONE Northeast ER, HCA
    HealthONE South Parker ER and HCA HealthONE Southwest ER.
  • Here is what you should know about freestanding emergency rooms.

Tip 2: Visit a freestanding ER or ER for serious emergencies

The HCA HealthONE Sky Ridge ER offers emergency care for kids and adults in Lone Tree and surrounding communities. HCA HealthONE offers 13 ERs and freestanding ERs across the Rocky Mountain region.

Some situations are life-threatening and require emergency care. Head to a freestanding ER or hospital ER for:

  • Suspected heart attack or stroke
  • Trouble breathing
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Broken bones, severe burns, or heavy bleeding
  • High fever that won’t go down
  • Uncontrolled vomiting, diarrhea, or dehydration
  • Suspected poisoning or overdose
  • We’ve put together 9 things to expect during a trip to the emergency room.

HCA HealthONE freestanding ERs have shorter wait times, experienced staff, and a seamless transfer process if hospital care is needed. They even offer pediatric expertise, so your little one is in great hands.

Tip 3: Keep this in mind about freestanding ERs

  • Shorter waits: Freestanding ERs often have lower wait times compared to hospital ERs.
  • Full-service care: From labs to imaging (X-rays, CT scans), freestanding ERs are well-
    equipped for emergencies.
  • Pediatric expertise and training: Your child’s injury or illness is important. All HCA
    HealthONE ERs are pediatric-ready emergency rooms, which means you can trust our
    specialists to know how to work with and treat your child on their level. If your child
    needs a higher level of care, we can move kids to HCA HealthONE Rocky Mountain
    Children’s at Presbyterian St. Luke’s.
  • Insurance accepted: They accept most insurance plans, including Medicare and
  • 24/7 care: Open day and night, all year round!

Tip 4: Choose urgent care for less severe issues

For illnesses and injuries that aren’t emergencies but still need attention quickly, visit an urgent care clinic. Here’s when to go:

  • Common illnesses: Cold, flu, strep throat or UTIs
  • Minor injuries: Small burns, cuts, sprains or bug bites
  • Other concerns: Pink eye, rashes, migraines or eczema
  • We put together tips for if you are not sure when to go to and ER or urgent care.

CareNow® Urgent Care offers 11 clinics across the Denver area and are open with extended hours, walk-in options and online check-in to save time.

Tip 5: Call for free advice when you’re not sure

Not sure if you should head to an ER, Freestanding ER or urgent care? Call HCA HealthONE’s Consult-a-Nurse for free advice on 844.70.NURSE. Whether you’re worried about your child’s fever or caring for an aging parent, their nurses can help you make the right decision.

Tip 7: Be prepared before you need care

The HCA HealthONE Mountain Ridge ER offers emergency care for kids and adults in Thornton and surrounding communities. HCA HealthONE offers 13 ERs and freestanding ERs across the Rocky Mountain region.

Emergencies are unpredictable, but being prepared isn’t! Save the nearest ER or freestanding ER or urgent care location in your phone and keep the Consult-a-Nurse number handy: 844.70.NURSE. It’s peace of mind for when your family needs it most.

Your family’s health matters, and with these tips, you’ll know just where to go when it counts.


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